PHPism Blog

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Ultimate version 2.3 Has arrived

At the beginning, we always thanks our loyal customers who always update us with new ideas and features and bugs reports.

By the way, did you know that 30% of our customers has upgraded their license to Ultimate package? Then why don’t you do that too?

We’ve fixed some bugs with version 2.2

1- Thumbs view won’t change.

2- Like count changes from control panel doesn’t show on main pages.

We’ve also added these new features

1- Easily update your Google analytics from Administration panel

2- Change the like count and also the phase (The main page where the gag appear HOT/TRENDING/VOTE) of the gag without the change of the gag likes.

Most users complained that update process is a bit complicated, so this time we’ve made it very simple and hope you like it.

Simple upload/overwrite most of files and a simple edit for 4 files.

You can download your package now from clients area and hope you’ll like it.

For Main and RTL and Twitter packages, we don’t offer all the features from Ultimate in them, however the bugs must be fixed. So we’ll fix the bugs in these packages and we’ll upload them and notify you.

Best Regards

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